Under a God-Made Mountain is Out NOW! - Hallway To Elsewhere
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Under a God-Made Mountain is Out NOW!

Hot dang, Fellow Creatures!


It’s here. Launch day. 


Under a God-Made Mountain is officially out and available on ebook, KU, paperback, and hardcover formats! 


So click away and get ye some strange, horror-fantasy if you haven’t done so already.



Early beta readers and reviewers are calling it “a fast-paced odyssey into the darkness.” 


So if you want in, you know what to do. 


If you’ve been following along on this blog then you know I’ve talked about this book for close to a year now, so not sure how much I can say about it, other than I am really happy to put it in your hands finally.


It was a joy to write and got me back into the swing of things after taking a hiatus where I was finding writing really difficult for a while. 


This story will always hold a special place in my heart because of that.


I look forward to hearing your thoughts and hope you enjoy the journey into the mountain as much as I did.


That’s all I got now, Fellow Creatures.  Off to nervously bite my finger nails and cower in the corner as you begin the plunge into darkness.




Stay safe,



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