The Wonders of Walking - Hallway To Elsewhere
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The Wonders of Walking

If you are in a bad mood go for a walk.If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk.


So sayeth the wise Hippocrates.


If I could add my own twist to it. 


If you are stuck in a plot point go for a walk. If you are still stuck in a plot point go for another walk.


Over the past couple of months I’ve realized the power of getting out and getting some steps in, mostly thanks to the new pup. That little fur beast needs his exercise and because of welcoming him to our home, the mileage has increased. Significantly. 


Usually about 3-4 miles a day. Some in the morning, pre-work, a mile or two during lunch, and then before dinner if there’s time.


It hasn’t just been within our neighborhood either. Our walks have taken us to many local trails, deep in the woods, where we’ve been able to encounter some amazing sites and some wild wildlife.


Besides helping me stay in shape, getting some natural vitamin D, and bonding with Casco, It’s been a great tool to help with my writing.


As I continue to work on Stone of the Scarred, I’ve run into some snags on the plot, trying to figure out where to take Requiem and Dash next, working out how to get them out or into a sticky situation, or trying to find a fun way to flesh out the world, and it seems everytime I’ve run into a wall, throwing on the shoes, leashing up the pup, and heading out for a few miles always does the trick.


I know this shouldn’t be a surprise as I know many writers have used it as a winning tool for their own process, but sometime you just gotta experience yourself before you believe it.


And why it’s not like I haven’t gone for daily walks in the past, turning it up to a new level has shown the more miles I get out there, the more time I have to work things through. 


It’s really help me stir up some ideas that I’m excited to incorporate into Stone of the Scarred (and a few other stories I’ve had percolating in my head.) 


Why the hell am I telling you any of this? 


Just wanted to give you a quick glimpse into the progress, the struggle, and some of the tools that’ve worked for me to keep the momentum going in case you’re running into the same thing.


So if you haven’t already, try lacing em’ up and going for a walk! Maybe Casco and I will see you out there!

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