Finding My Way Back - Hallway To Elsewhere
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Finding My Way Back

Where the heck have you been, Jeff?


Fair question, Fellow Creatures.


It’s been a while since there’s been anything new or anything shared from me.  For nearly two years I’ve turned on ghost-mode and been lurking in the shadows.


Doing what, you may ask? 


Well, to start, trying to get back to the land of the living. Turns out, I was burnt out for a bit there, and writing and creating wasn’t giving me as much zest as they used to. 


I tried to forge on, tried to power through my scheduled writing sessions in the early hours of the morning, but alas, it felt like I was trying to force a nail through wood with my bare hand. 


It wasn’t going well. 


And after months of trying to force the issue, and getting frustrated every time I sat down in front of the computer, I took the advice of what I’ve read from so many other writers and self-help book authors and did what I should have done a long time ago.


I took a break. 


No creating. No feeling the urge to push projects forward. Just take a step back and focus on other things for a bit.  The other things that brought me joy.


I beat Elden Ring. Got caught up on shows (thank you, Andor). Went for a lot of hikes. Found local breweries with my wife. Basically started an in-living room WWE event with two rambunctious boys who have a knack for rough-housing (there were many ring names used during this time and still to this day, but my personal favorite was Pickle Master…)  


Basically, I just got lost from the creative process for a bit.


It was great, and to be honest, I asked the question, do I want to even find it again? Was creating even something I wanted to do anymore?


The fact that those questions were filling up my noggin made me a little sad and queasy. I have been writing and creating seriously for over 15 years. What would I be without it? 


But I knew they were the right questions to be asking.


What good is creation if there is it doesn’t grow from a seed of joy?


For months, the answers to those questions lay in limbo. 


I was afraid it was no. I was afraid that there would be some resounding sign that told me to just keep running and never look back. But I never heard it.


Instead, oh, about six months ago, an old spark started finding its way to me.


It felt sorta tingly. A little electric. A bit hopeful. A lot like magic. 


From it came that old, familiar excitement. My mind was chugging. Worlds and characters and creatures were sputtering to life, filling my head up again. So greatly that I’d find myself walking for an hour, not really knowing where I’d been or how far I’d gone because I’d gotten so lost playing in my own head. 


So greatly that I had no choice but to find a place to put them…


Soon, there I was again, sitting in front of a blank page. 


Sorry I had ever thought of leaving it. Knowing, more now than ever, that even if I walked away from it. It would never be for good. 


I found out the old cliche adage is true: absence does make the heart grow fonder. 


So here I am. Back. This time for good. 


There will be more breaks, I’m quite certain now. But next time I will take them with intention, knowing full well that even if I go exploring elsewhere, I’m going to find my way back home.


Moving Forward


As part of my return, I realized I need to start inviting more guests over to keep the excitement alive.  Yes, creating is a lonely endeavor, but the product doesn’t need to be. 


Which means it was time to spruce up the place so I feel comfortable sharing what I’m doing.


That means a new website (which if you’re reading this you’ve probably already noticed).  


Tried to make it more user-friendly and clean. A good spot to come by and hang out for a bit. Catch up. See what’s going on. Hopefully it’s accomplished that. 


You may notice the old blog posts are gone too. Felt like it was time for a fresh start since it was probably 3 years since I actually posted anything. 


Eesh, I really let this place go to hell.


Also means, a more active presence.  I’m trying not to be too prescriptive to what that means as I’ve shot myself in the foot (with a dart from a blowgun, mind you)  by declaring how active I will plan to be only to lose my way. 


I’d rather you just follow along wherever you feel works best for you and know I’m going to try to be active.


So here’s where I’m going to try to be.


This blog first and foremost. Hoping the Hallway (yes, the terrible pun remains, b/c I do like me some puns) can be main hub for any news or stones you want to cast at my head.


Elsewhere? There’s my newsletter which will be a round-up of a few different things from across all the platforms I’m active on.


Then, I’ll also be getting with the times and trying to be more active on Instagram. I’m not the biggest social media guy. The endless scroll feels like a dangerous void one can easily fall into. But I’m instituting daily timers on my devices that prevent me from tripping into hours of online debauchery.  


I’ll stop by for a bit here and there because I do feel like, in moderation, it’s a fun way to keep in touch with folks with a visual presence.  


Lastly, there’s Reddit Fantasy, home to an immense hive of scum and villainy (who love fantasy stuff just as much as I do.) I plan on hanging out there more than just being a shadow-beast spying in from the darkness of no comment land. 


Alright. That’s it for now. Glad to be back, and thanks for your patience while I’ve been on this journey.


More news coming in a bit. Till then,


Stay tuned, Fellow Creatures!




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