Book 3 has Begun and It Has a Name... - Hallway To Elsewhere
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Book 3 has Begun and It Has a Name…

The adventure has begun. 


If you read my blog from last time then you know I was nearing my second pass of edits on book 2 of the Scarred World Saga, Stone of the Scarred.


Well, I’m happy to say that as of writing this I’m officially off and running on book 3. About 10k words in to be exact.


And guess what? Book 3 officially has a name.


Sin of the Scarred.


In keeping with the whole S of the Scarred them I’ve got going on here, I landed on this being the a good place to be, as it should focus much more on Requiem, his past, and the Scarred’s history.


I so desperately want to share some of it with you, but I’m going to hold off for now. With book 2 yet to come out, I’d be hard pressed to share anything with book 3 at the moment that wouldn’t spoil what happened in book 2.


Okay fine, maybe I can share a wee little. 


How about a single sentence to whet your appetite? 


Everywhere, the Abyss swirled.

And in it, Requiem, in his complete and utter disbelief, saw that the Abyss was everything.


That’s it. That’s all you get.  Anything else I’m scared will give away too much.  Just know that I’m thrilled to be creating new material again.


With getting Under a God-Made Mountain out and then editing Stone of the Scarred, it’s hard for me to stay in business and editing mode.  


Sometimes i just want to get out there and write new stuff and Sin of the Scarred is scratching that itch.


At least for now. Talk to me in a month when I’m knee deep in the book, struggling to make the plot go, or the characters work.


I’m sure I’ll be singing a different tune.


For now, though, excited to be able to share the news with you, Fellow Creatures!


As always, appreciate you coming along for the journey.


Stay sweet,




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