Back to School! - Hallway To Elsewhere
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Back to School!

If you follow my newsletter (which I hope you do!), you know it’s been a wild last couple of weeks.


School is officially back in session!


And while the Summer has been great, and I think the boys have thoroughly enjoyed it with all the outside shenanigans and burying themselves in probably way too much ice cream, I think we all agreed it was time to get back to a bit of a routine.


But with that routine comes the chaos. Homework. Packing lunches. Slinging out breakfast just in time before the bus arrives. Driving to and from Fall sports.  Ensuring that everyone gets to bed a reasonable hour so we’re not zombies come the weekend…


If you have school-age kids, then you get it and I’m preaching to the choir.


I know there’s a part of me that should be dreading this, but I’m so looking forward to reentering the chaos with them.  


Summer is fun, and the freedom to go places with nice weather is awesome, but the school year brings about an excitement of growth that just can’t be matched from June to August. It’s so cool to see them pick up new skills, deep-dive into new parts of history,  bring home math that I need to google to relearn, and most of all, make new friends.  


It’s a lot, but as my wife and I like to remind each other, it’s fleeting.


My boys are 6 and 8, so they still have plenty of time before graduating and moving on to do their own thing, yet I can feel how fast time has already gone since they were born and know how much faster it will get as they become more involved and mature with each passing year.


Yes, there are times during school when I all I want to do is crawl into a cavern and hibernate for a good six months until the chaos dissipates, but that feeling is only temporary compared to the memories the fam are generating as we run around and do our best to make it all work.


And those memories are the ones I know my wife and I will be looking back on when we’re 80, taking a siesta after a whole day of walking about some foreign city, sipping on a beverage, and looking back on how far we’ve all come (so at least this how I’d like to image my 80’s looking.)


So all this is to say, welcome back school and the chaos you bring. I’m excited to collect the souvenirs for the soul you’ll kick up in your wake as we run a 100mph to catch up with you.


If you’re going through something similar right now, I hope you find peace and excitement along the way too! 


That’s it for now.


Stay in school,



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